How can I switch my provider?

Advance applications are being accepted beginning from January 2016.

As each company announces its pricing plans and services for household electricity, advance applications for switching power companies are being accepted beginning from January 2016.
Compare the menus offered by each company and choose the power company, pricing plan, and services that are best for you.

Process of switching power companies

  • Submitting an application to the power company that you want to switch to
    Submit an application for switching providers at each company's service desk, telephone number, homepage, or other point of contact.
    With your agreement, the procedure for terminating your existing contract with the regional power company can be performed by the new power company.
    * Before applying to switch companies, obtain explanations and documents detailing the electricity rates, contract periods, contract termination, and other conditions, and consider them when making a decision. * Click here for the information that is expected to be necessary when submitting an application to the new power company.
  • Changing to a Smart Meter
    (if you do not currently have a Smart Meter installed)
    If your household does not already have a Smart Meter installed, you will need to change to a Smart Meter.
    After you submit the application to the new power company, the regional power company that you are currently contracted with will notify you of the planned date for the meter change.
    * For details concerning the electricity meter change, contact the regional power company.
    * Smart Meter: A new type of electricity meter that includes communications functions, allows electricity use to be read remotely, and measures the amount of electricity used every 30 minutes * In general, you do not have to pay for the Smart Meter. (However there may be a fee for the work required to change meters.) There may be an interruption in the power supply when the meter is replaced (approximately 15 minutes per household).
  • Start of the contract with the new power company
    You can begin using power from the new power company starting April 2016.
    * The specific power company change date varies depending on the individual contract. (See note.)
    If you do not complete the procedure for switching power companies by April 2016, you will continue to receive power from the regional power company that you are currently contracted with.
  • Note : The standard period required to switch companies is the following: (1) Approximately 2 weeks when the change requires installation of a Smart Meter, or (2) Approximately 4 days when a meter change is not required. Contact the new power company to determine the specific changeover date. More time may be required for the change in the event that the number of applications is extremely large immediately before and after the start of market liberalization in April 2016.

Items required for switching power companies

The following are the main items that are expected to be required when applying to switch power companies in or after January 2016.

Expected required items

Expected required items Required items Name of your current power company, Customer number of your current power company, Your supply point ID number (*1), Requested change date Important points These can be checked from the meter slip (*2), website (for customers who receive meter reading notices on the website), direct mail, receipts, or other documents (for customers who do not have their meters read). You can also check them by contacting your current power company directly.
				Required items when choosing a more suitable price menu Personal identification * This is required in order for the new company to check the amounts of power which you used in the past from the transmission company. Driver's license, health insurance card, or other document that can be used to verify your name and address

*1: A 22-digit number that identifies your electrical supply point
*2: The supply point ID number will be listed on meter slips which are issued on meter reading dates beginning in January.

Notification of customer numbers and supply point ID numbers

The customer number and supply point ID number that are necessary when applying to change power companies can be checked from the meter slips or other documents that are issued by your current power company on meter reading dates beginning in January.
* If you cannot find a meter slip or other document, you can also contact the current power company directly.

Power company → Sending of meter slip → Consumer (individual household, etc.) Image of notification using meter slipRetail

Retailers available for foreign languages

Network Areas Retailers
Hokkaido Hokkaido Electric Power Company
Tohoku Tohoku Electric Power Co.,Inc
0120-175-266Make A Call
Tokyo Tokyo Electric Power Company
Website (English)Open external site link in new window
Kyuden Mirai Energy Company, Incorporated
0570-031-031Make A Call
Chubu Chubu Electric Power Company
Website(English)Open external site link in new window
Hokuriku Hokuriku Electric Power Company
Website(English)Open external site link in new window
Kansai Kansai Electric Power Company
Website(English)Open external site link in new window
Chugoku Chugoku Electric Power Company
Website(English)Open external site link in new window
Shikoku Shikoku Electric Power Company
Website(English)Open external site link in new window
Kyushu Kyushu Electric Power Company
Website(English)Open external site link in new window
Okinawa Okinawa Electric Power Company
Website(English)Open external site link in new window

Click here for a list of currently registered electricity providers.
You can check the actual pricing plans and services on each company's homepage.

List of retail electricity providers (*)