Joint Statement on the Launch of the Japan-United States Clean Energy Partnership
June 10, 2021
The text of the following statement was released by the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Japan.
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The United States and Japan held the first Japan-U.S. Clean Energy Partnership (JUCEP) meeting on June 10, chaired by the U.S. Department of State and the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
At the April 16, 2021, U.S.-Japan Summit Meeting between President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. and Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide, the United States and Japan launched the U.S.-Japan Climate Partnership and the U.S.-Japan Competitiveness and Resilience (CoRe) Partnership
. The United States and Japan shared the view that U.S.-Japan cooperation will contribute to green growth, advance our shared climate goals under the Paris Agreement, and help achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions globally by 2050.
To support the objectives of these two Partnerships, the United States and Japan established JUCEP to support countries in the Indo-Pacific and around the world to accelerate their decarbonization efforts while achieving energy security and sustainable growth by deploying clean, affordable and secure energy technologies. JUCEP will also promote open, competitive, and transparent energy markets in line with the vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific and will support partners in the Indo-Pacific to accelerate integrating clean energy into modernized electricity grid infrastructure while developing technology to decarbonize the energy system.
The United States and Japan will focus JUCEP cooperation in the Indo-Pacific to:
- Address climate change – which has become a global crisis and is more urgent than ever;
- Support competitive energy markets, which are indispensable to ensuring a clean, secure and sustainable energy supply;
- Facilitate universal access to affordable, clean, and reliable energy needed to help eradicate poverty, reduce health and environmental impacts of fossil fuel use, drive economic growth and recovery, as well as reinforce global energy security; and
- Engage Indo-Pacific partners to encourage rapid deployment of clean energy and drive the decarbonization of their economies, reflecting the principles of the Climate Partnership, by accelerating diverse, ambitious, and realistic transition paths towards net zero emissions.
The United States and Japan will leverage the vitality of the private sector to achieve the above objectives by advancing tangible energy projects and innovative technologies. Activities under JUCEP will engage private sector and government experts in the United States and Japan, and regional partners in the Indo-Pacific and around the world to identify and increase commercial opportunities and enhance investment environments that promote decarbonization and support a realistic and ambitious energy transition and access. JUCEP will mobilize private sector engagement and catalyze all available policy implementation tools from both countries in a whole of government approach, with the goal to accelerate sustainable, private sector-led clean energy investment and exports from the United States and Japan, and with a view to achieving sustainable development and energy security in the Indo-Pacific.
Key cooperation areas under JUCEP include, but are not limited to:
- Renewable Energy: Geothermal, wind, solar, hydropower, and critical minerals.
- Power Grid Modernization: Grid stability, energy management technology including battery storage, and transmission.
- Nuclear Energy: Advanced technologies such as small modular reactors and light water reactors.
- Decarbonization Technologies: CCUS/Carbon recycling and other abatement technologies, as well as advanced fuels like ammonia, hydrogen, and others.
Participants who gathered at the first JUCEP meeting to discuss coordinating support for regional partners included representatives from the U.S. Department of State, Department of Commerce, Department of Energy, Department of Treasury, U.S. International Development Finance Corporation, Export-Import Bank, U.S. Trade and Development Agency, and United States Agency for International Development, as well as the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Nippon Export and Investment Insurance, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation, Japan International Cooperation Agency, and New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization.
Last updated:2025-1-16